Below you will find online forms for QSAC Membership, QSAC One Day Floating License, QSAC Track Sanctioning, QSAC Rules / Suggestions, QSAC National Championship Host Bid Package, and National Championship Preregistration (when applicable). All QSAC forms are now online and electronic. We hope the membership finds these avenues easier to navigate and use.
Please use the button below for pre-registration for the 2025 QSAC PAVED NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP at DWF Speedway in Burleson, Texas during the week of June 9-13, 2025.
Please use the “QSAC ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION” button for renewing your annual QSAC Membership or QSAC Mechanics License.Memberships and Mechanic’s Licenses run from November 1st through December 31st of the following year (EX: November 1st, 2019 through December 31st, 2020).
Please use the “QSAC ONE DAY FLOATING LICENSE” button to register for a one-time, one day, license to try, first hand, a quarter scale car at a QSAC sanctioned facility. Details about the one day floating license are provided on the electronic form.
Please use the “QSAC TRACK SANCTION APPLICATION” button for application for QSAC track sanctioning. This form encompasses all the requirements and statement of agreement to be considered a QSAC Sanctioned Track. Track sanctioning runs from November 1st through December 31st of the following year (EX: November 1st, 2019 through December 31st, 2020).
Please use the “QSAC RULES / SUGGESTION FORM” button for submitting rules change proposals for consideration as well as any other technical change proposal. Any submission will be received by the Rules Committee Chair as well as both Co-Chairs. Details are outlined in the electronic form regarding deadlines for consideration as well as how all submissions are taken in by the Rules Chair and Co-Chairs.
Please use the “QSAC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HOST / BID PACKAGE” button to complete an application to be considered as a potential host for the following years National Championship. This form applies to both the PAVED and the DIRT National Championships.
Criteria is outlined in detail within the electronic form. Deadline for submitting an application for consideration for the following year’s National Championship is September 30th of the preceding year (EX: September 30th, 2024 is the deadline for being considered for the 2025 National Championship).
Please note line item 5.14 in the QSAC Rules Package which reads as follows:
“All tracks or facilities MUST have their own sanction purchased by April 1st of the current year if they you want to be considered for a National Championship race for the following year. (Excluding new tracks, New owners, or act of God)”